Write txt file with AS & Coldfusion

I am trying to write a text file using AS and Cold Fusion. I found this tutorial for doing it with AS and PHP http://www.ozzu.com/ftopic41895.html

But I am on hosted on a ColdFusion only server. My friend translated the PHP to Coldfusion, but I still can’t get it to work. Here is the code I am using on the AS button, then the Code I am using in the cfm file. I am using three different blocks of Cold Fusion code because I am not sure how Flash passes the variable.

When I run the flash file on the server and click the button, the browser says that it is getting info from the server, but nothing happens after that. I think that the CFM file should be writing a text file to the web directory, but no text file is there.

I am having a hard time figuring out what part of the loadVariablesNum passes the songname variable. Is the loadVariablesNum command formed correctly to pass the songname variable out of the swf?

If this isn’t the problem, does anyone know what’s wrong?


on (release) {
var songname="sometext";
loadVariablesNum("songfile.cfm", 0, "GET");  


<!--- if AS is passed w/o form or url --->
<cfif isdefined("songname")>
	<cfset songname_new = #songname#>
	<cffile action="WRITE" file="songfile.txt" output="#songname_new#" nameconflict="OVERWRITE">

<!--- if AS is passed as url --->
<cfif isdefined("url.songname")>
	<cfset songname_new = #url.songname#>
	<cffile action="WRITE" file="songfile.txt" output="#songname_new#" nameconflict="OVERWRITE">

<!--- is AS is passed as form --->
<cfif isdefined("form.songname")>
	<cfset songname_new = #form.songname#>
	<cffile action="WRITE" file="songfile.txt" output="#songname_new#" nameconflict="OVERWRITE">