Writing a text file with PHP & Flash

I have been trying to get a flash file to update/write a text file useing php. Basicly I want to have an input box that sends the data to php but I have done countless tutorials and no luck on changing the text file at all.
The PHP that I have been using have been

$title = $_POST[‘Title’];

$toSave = “Title=”.$title.";

$fp = fopen(“savefile.txt”, “w”);
if(fwrite($fp, $toSave)) echo “writing=Ok”;
else echo “writing=Error”;



$filename =“savefile.txt”;
$writeError = false;

if (!$fileStream = fopen($filename,‘a’)) {
$writeError = true;
} else {
if (!fputs($fileStream, $stuffToWrite)) {
$writeError = true;
} else {

print “&wroteFile=”.$writeError;

In flash I have just used a simple Post method but know I am missing something.