WTF function executes trace but nothing else

OK here is my issue…I have a main map with a minimap which has a selection box that displays the current view of the main map…you can zoom by way of mouse wheel scroll, +/- buttons, and a wheel which you can click/drag and turn to zoom in and out…thats all fine and dandy, but when you zoom to the max, the selection box in the minimap is slightly shifted out of place…I have a reset function that resets to the original position and scale…this function can be triggered by way of a button…it is also supposed to be triggered when the maximum zoom out (full size) is achieved…now I have set up traces to see what is going on, and infact the function is triggered when the maximum zoom out is acheived because I have a trace at the end of the reset function to display executed…however the other parts of the function( the resetting parts) do not execute unless I click the button…any ideas? you can see what i am talking about at the following link…

just click the minus once and you will see the really minor shift in the selection box of the minimap…now click the reset button, and everything looks fine…but then when you try to zoom out again…the selection box shifts a few pixels down and to the left…any ideas?

//--------------------------------- code for zoom functionality -----------------------
function scaleUp()
var scl = zoom._xscale * 1.1;
zoom._xscale = zoom._yscale = scl;
miniWin._xscale = miniWin._yscale = (1 / (scl * 0.01)) * 100
function scaleDown()
if(miniWin._xscale >= miniTemp)
trace(“wtf is going on”);
if(mc_scale < (zoom._xscale * 0.9))
var scl = zoom._xscale * 0.90;
zoom._xscale = zoom._yscale = scl;
miniWin._xscale = miniWin._yscale = (1 / (scl * 0.01)) * 100
trace(miniTemp + " " + miniWin._xscale);
//--------------------------------- end code for zoom functionality -----------------------\

//--------------------------------- code for reset zoom & position functionality -----------------------
function resetFunc()
_global.zoom._xscale = _global.zoom._yscale = mcScaleTemp;
miniWin._xscale = miniWin._yscale = (1 / (mcScaleTemp * 0.01)) * 100;
_global.container._x = mc_X;
_global.container._y = mc_Y;
miniWin._x = container_m._x;
miniWin._y = container_m._y;
trace(“executed”);//this trace works every time(zooming out completely and clicking the reset button…but the other lines above only get executed when the reset button is clicked…
//--------------------------------- end code for reset zoom & position functionality -----------------------