
LOL… no one complains about any thread BEING in Random… more stuff to spam up.

How sweet. . . .

Sen + :flower: = in :love:

*Originally posted by dan4885 *
**How sweet. . . .

Sen + :flower: = in :love: **

Ummmm… :blush:


FREAK!!! :crazy:

(lol, I quoted before you edited)

Well I edited it back before you edited yours because of my edited post.

Go senocular! You’re my hero!

Too smart! WOO!
Too smart! WOO!

…Now get back from your weekend and help me.

oh, and. I know a trick too, all you gullible mods.

You go to wherever it is that you make other people mods and you click on Aislin and you have a one in three chance of winning a million dollars.

OH, and if you can’t do it, Kirupa, you do it. Not that you’re gullible. Right. I’m probably spelling that wrong, so I’ll stop now.

when on doubt, just look at the top of the screen for the correct spelling:trout:

ok, this thread is outta control

i feel like i went on some long long vacation and i come back to see my house has been taken over by ****aroaches everywhere? :stuck_out_tongue: :x yea…this reminds me of that…

:stunned: :stunned: