Ever since I got this thing I have been so ■■■■ un-focused. I feel like a lil ■■■■ kid with his new toy. Any body else out there have the x-box live?? Maybe we can form a support group.
Xbox is my next investment I think.
I have a gamecube and I love it to death, but there are just so many more possibilites with the Xbox and the media center you can get for it. I mean you can play any format on the thing without ever having to re-encode anything! I can hardly wait
But - I’m still Nintendo For Life! pounds chest
mdipi.com has xbox…and he says he is on 24 hours a day 5 days a week…maybe you 2 should hook up and share strategies to defeat this evil new threat
I have Xbox Live and well i cant get it working yet.
Yeah thats a good idea we should make up a big team for a game and kick ***.
Wel until i get mine working.
A good friend lent his PS2 to me for a week, a while back, along with a few great games. I played with it for a good couple days, solid, then it drastically tapered off. I guess it’s a combo of things to do, and that I get bored with the game fairly easily. I do enjoy playing Sega Football with a friend when he comes over, but I have several good football games with my old Dreamcast (which doesn’t look as cool as the new ones, but it still is fun)…
Now, to the point of my story (thanks for hanging in there):
I found out the other day that he has already sold the console to another friend, 'cause of basically the same reasons…
Just thought this was Phunny… Maybe I’ve been hanging with Philbo Baggins too much…(-:
:q: HAHAHAHA…hey rev you have been ramblin lately often leaving the reader confused as all hell:q: (-: :-\ You okay man lol
Maybe I’ve been hanging with Philbo Baggins too much…
It’s beginning to show…
is that supposed to be you Rev???
after NYE, I’m not so sure it’s not…
I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL! OMG! I LOVE IT SO! it is addictive. what is your name? i would love to hook up for Mech or Unreal.
hey you know i feel the same way as you XBOX people…i am addicted to Kirupaville!! :geek: :geek: silly me
well i cant rout my Xbox cause its 90 ft. away, so i cant be here and there, so i havew to deal :-\
btw my name is MDiPi
why cant you??? I have mine running from a linksys router that is off about 100ft of cable from my office to my living room. From there it hits a linksys switch then another 20 ft of cable to my xbox. Does your ISP do dynamic IP or static??
You wont believe my name. I used one of their default names because the one I wanted was taken. DeadlyOrphan
I had to use it…I dont how the hell that was randomly picked but it is funny.
I dont have mech assault right now. I have been playing Ghost Recon. what else you got
lmfao DeadlyOrphan…hahahahahahaha
Now THAT is intimidating…and your next opponent IS…DeadlyOrphan
the only other one i have is Unreal Championship. That is weird! :crazy: lemme know and maybe we can hook up.
i am now 1897th in Mech! up 2000+ in one game! 19 kills 13 deaths!