XBOX Live - Kirupian Gamertags

Though I might as well restart the Xbox live thread, since it’s so awesome but got deleted. If you’d care to post or repost your stuff, please feel free.

Me (Aislin)
Gamertag: Aislin
Games: Ghost Recon, MotoGP demo
Time Zone: Eastern

Gamertag: Krazy Canadian
Games: NBA, MotoGP demo
Time Zone: Eastern
Gamertag: mDiPi (I think that’s it… hopefully Live isn’t case sensitive)
Games: Ghost Recon, MotoGP demo, (Guessing MechAssault)
Time Zone: Eastern

Bull dog, please put yours again, I can’t remember it very well.

Do you have to subscribe to Xbox Live? Like a per monthly basis… and what do you need? just a phoneline? It works by dialup?

Broadband Only.
You sign up and link your acct to a credit card, but your first year is free. I don’t know of any monthly rate yet. Nobody’s been getting charged, or will be charged, until at least a year after launch, which comes up in about… uh… 6 months? 7?

Tag: Krazy Canadian
Games: NBA 2k3, moto gp and whacked demo

Thanks sureshot. I’ll add you next time I hook up to Live. I haven’t been on at all lately.

Ok great - and I will add you as well… :wink:

Who needs this useless toy if you have a nice pc?

Who needs this useless toy, Xbox Live, if he has no broadband connection??? :*(

Who needs a useless XBox?

smacks you all

Who needs technologoy

goes outside and plays with rocks

LOL having fun programing with rocks

I just tuaght one how to go through Windows :wink:

Windows already has enough holes :wink:

how come you didnt put my two demo games down - but you put everyone else’s.

Are my demo games not good enough for you??!! :slight_smile:

laughs *** off @ senocular

I don’t know why, SS! I’ll add them now!

Dippy, you up for some GR today//night?