Though I might as well restart the Xbox live thread, since it’s so awesome but got deleted. If you’d care to post or repost your stuff, please feel free.
Me (Aislin)
Gamertag: Aislin
Games: Ghost Recon, MotoGP demo
Time Zone: Eastern
Gamertag: Krazy Canadian
Games: NBA, MotoGP demo
Time Zone: Eastern
Gamertag: mDiPi (I think that’s it… hopefully Live isn’t case sensitive)
Games: Ghost Recon, MotoGP demo, (Guessing MechAssault)
Time Zone: Eastern
Bull dog, please put yours again, I can’t remember it very well.
Broadband Only.
You sign up and link your acct to a credit card, but your first year is free. I don’t know of any monthly rate yet. Nobody’s been getting charged, or will be charged, until at least a year after launch, which comes up in about… uh… 6 months? 7?