Xbox modding

I have a solderless mod using pogo pins and it has worked great so far! I have even taken the box on a camping trip (mind you I was pretty carefull not to move the thing around too much) and all still works fine.

I recommend reading everything you can on the specific chip you plan on getting and especially the forums of the makers of the chip you are looking at. is also an amazing resource. A Bookmark for sure!

LMAO Dude.
Isnt the pooint of camping to get away for your electonic goodies? Thats hardcore gamer right there

I so want to Mod my X-box. I am pretty tech savvy just have been kind of intimidated by the whole thing.

If its not that hard to soft-mod then maybe I will consider this. I just certainly want to make sure I dont loose live. Thats the greatest thing about it.

Signed: Super Noob

fester if you use the ude 2.0 hack you can use live and have your xbox softmodded theres a tutorial on xbox-scene if ya need help just ask :wink:

your dev xbox can still play all games you just need to update the firmware and dashboard… let me know if you want help because I know TONS about modding xboxs… its what I used to do for a electronics company for a couple of years.

if you opened up your box you would see that it is IDENTICAL to a computer except for a difference of a couple of pins… hell the original hd you have in yours is most likely the 8 gig western digital that they were giving out and the dvd rom is either samsung or toshiba (hopfully samsung or else youll be replacing it soon since the others dont last long) but Its very straight forward. The hardest about either software modding or hardware modding your xbox is going to be finding the software to load on it since its technically “illegal” but isnt at the same time… any kind of add on software you load onto the xbox is made with whats called the Micosoft XDK “xbox development Kit” which is what microsoft has developed to compile xbox programming code. Where you will be told to find all this is MIRC at a little channel called XBINS (which I will tell you where that is) if your familiar with mirc goto and efnet server and search X-bins room and youll find what you need to do… I also have all the software precompiled so if you need any help with how to install it let me know

heres a quick rundown on what you need if you hardware mod your xbox
1:)install the modchip using directions they give.
2:)decide what dashboard your going to use (the most popular is evolution x)
so look for the precompiled version of that in xbins that I mentioned earlier
3:)there will be a tutorial in the evolution x software that you download on creating a boot up disc for your xbox that you will load into with your modchip on the first time you boot up with your modchip. this will enable to you to FTP into your xbox to install the actual dashboard files into it. Im not going to explain that because they do a pretty good job in the tutorial that comes with evolution x
4:)do what they say, install the boot files over ftp to your xbox and restart your xbox

heres what you do to software mod your xbox

there ya go
any questions email or PM me

All sounds pretty cool. I have 2 Xboxs now, my first one’s HD died (Makes clicking sounds inside the HD when i turn it on :() now I have a new one and it works great! In your opinion, what is the best mod to an Xbox for the money (Hard or Soft)?


For the money Soft

Ok, sorry i was kind of vauge, what specific mod (it can be soft or hard)?
