Is there a such thing?! I want to mod my N64 to do something! ANYTHING! I don’t care if I turn it into something that just flashes LED’s! I WANT TO MOD IT!
I need practice before I have the guts to mess with my xbox.
Is there a such thing?! I want to mod my N64 to do something! ANYTHING! I don’t care if I turn it into something that just flashes LED’s! I WANT TO MOD IT!
I need practice before I have the guts to mess with my xbox.
PS2, X-BOX, and GAMECUBE Flash player. Ohhhh i wish i wish i wish
saddly you cannot mod it my man
Your Xbox on the other hand…
I am just too scared to do it - I dont want to mess it up or my Xbox live!
hm, buy a pc and mod. That roxx, but now those kids toys…
*Originally posted by SureShot *
**saddly you cannot mod it my man
Your Xbox on the other hand…
I am just too scared to do it - I dont want to mess it up or my Xbox live! **
Do you have James Bond?
You can run linux w/o a mod chip
Actually the Xbox is one of the easiest consoles to mod.
ahem So it seems… cough.
No, honestly, I don’t have a console, but a friend of mine has an Xbox. And that’s what he told me.
it looks like it is. but the very first mod takes guts.
you instantly void the warranty, and you have to take every piece of it out of the case to put the chip on your motherboard.
And sureshot, there’s chips that get around Xbox Live nowadays. I’m trying to buy another box because I’m scared I’ll break it, not cause i’m nervous abour Xbox Live.
it’s not really the chip that get’s around it, it’s how you work it.
You can have a switch to turn the mod on and off or you can use the ****** chip and turn it on and off when booting the machine.
Either way - you still have to have legal games to play on Xbox Live so I dont really see the use. Plus it’s not really fair if you dont buy the great games that get put out by development teams. They should be rewarded for games like halo and Splinter Cell and DOA beach vollyball
Either way - better stop the “mod” talk because this is illegal and shouldnt be brought up here
check on amazon, buy an Xbox for 125 and try to mod it.
What does “mod” mean??? :trout:
i was wondering the exact same thing.
modify…I belive…
I want to mod my N64 to do something! ANYTHING!
Then put a toast in the CD slot, put the whole thing inside your over and you’ll have a very expensive toaster. :trout:
JohnBlaze is correct. BTW - are you a fan of Jonny Blaze aka Method man?
yes sir. :love:
its funny you guys are mentioning this now as The ScreenSavers on Tech TV will be airing “How To Mod Xbox” specials
Kevin’s Xbox mods
Monday, March 31: Install an Xbox mod chip
Before you can truly unleash the power of the Xbox, you need to install a mod chip. Mod chips allow your Xbox to run unsigned code, which makes it possible to run all types of third-party applications.
Tuesday, April 1: EvolutionX
Now that the mod chip is installed, it’s time to start making some changes. EvolutionX is the most popular Xbox dashboard replacement. It turns your Xbox into a FTP/Telnet server.
Coming Soon
Increase storage
The Xbox’s current hard drive just isn’t going to cut it. We need space! Space to backup your games, MP3s, movies, and more. Time to slap in a 120GB Maxtor hard drive.
Xbox Media Player
You have media, now let your Xbox play it. How about playing DivX, XVID, WMA, WMV, ASF, BivX, MPEG4, MPEG2, VOB, AVI, ShoutCast, Icecast, and MP3s, all on your Xbox? We’ll show you how.
Back those games up
You never know when you might accidentally scratch an Xbox game disc. It’s time to back them up, put them away, and run them from your hard drive.
check it out at,24330,3420568,00.html
Sure and Asilin, i am going to be painting an old controler soon. then if i werk up the balls i will paint my box, but i dont want to crack the case, cause then no warenty…but i am having some problems with it so what i might do is call them, have them give me a new one, but while i am waiting buy another new one or something and then crack open the free one…
dippy, dude.
I’m buying a used one. So long as it reads, I’m okay with it. At this flea market thing there’s an xbox just waiting for me to buy it, but I don’t have the cash on me.
200 canadian, comes with DVD kit (somethin I was going to buy anyways) a controller (another thing I’d buy anyways.)
50 cdn for the dvd kit, 30 cdn for the controller. That makes it basically 120 cdn for a perfectly good box.
I’m not much for currency translations, but I’m gonna go with 80 U.S.
That’s a pretty good deal.
For something I’m gonna rip open.
My first xbox did break. Did I say that? Lol. I brought it back to walmart and got the Adrenaline pack, so now I have Halo and Amped. Sorta glad it broke.
If you’re having a disc read error, check to see if it’s only the silver bottom disks that aren’t working. That’s what hapenned to me. Ghost Recon (gold bottom) worked fine. MK annihalation didn’t. I think MechAssault was also silver bottom, cause it didn’t work.
I think I can mod my N64. I can figure SOMETHING out.
Maybe I should just try soldering wires into my SNES. Just to test it out. Maybe replace the sliding switch with an arcade-style button. heheh.
Worth trying. I guess.
Huge fan of screensavers myself. My ScreenSavers newsletter got me back in the box-modding mood.
Unfortunately, my satellite is down. Getting the card done tomorrow, so hopefully I’ll catch part three. All the stuff is on their site anyways. rules. Thanks ScreenSavers!
People actually wnat to mod that piece of crap N64?!
That’s the whole reason I started hating Nintendo… Ugh… I hated that system…
But to mod an X-Box… I think it would be cool if I had a spare one lying around… But not my baby… hehe
playamarz :player:
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