XML Ad rotator like Target

Hi there -

I’ve looked at a good number of xml slideshows out there, trying to achieve something just like the Redcard at Target.com where the ads are linkable:


Basically, a slideshow with both a timer and a series of 5 numbered buttons that can cycle the slideshow faster, along with a pause…

Here’s my attempt based on the slideshow tutorial graciously provided by the Kirupa folks:

(combining the timer one along with the popular xml gallery)

The timer is a little funky when you click the back and forth too fast… all of the clicking seems to add up.

However, this isn’t exacly what I’m looking for.

I’d really like to make it so that it doesn’t load all of the images at the same time… so that it would stagger each one so it wouldn’t be such a huge hit when the thing loads 5 banners.

I can find xml driven slideshows no problem, but most often they don’t link or have the “1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5” bit.

I’ve done the best that I can, and would really rather have one that has the same 5 buttons (1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5), along with a fade transition and a pause button.

I can’t be the only one who’s needed or build such a thing, can I?

Could this be modified from the xml slideshow here? I’ve done the best that I can with it.