XML and List component

Hello to all!
That’s my first post here and I am happy to be part of kirupa flash community.
Well. I’ll tell you about my problem.
I am developing a flash audio player that streams audio(radio stations) from a flash media server. It is XML driven and it’s working. I use the list component and for ‘label’ i put the radio station name with ‘name’ attribute and for ‘data’ i put the ‘url’ attribute:
<station disp = “someRadio FM” url = “http://someRadiourl”>
So I am making a loop through the XML tags to load them into the list component’s items.
Everything’s fine. But I must add a ‘server’ tag to the XML list so the flash media server url is not hardcoded in the flash file. And you know i can’t have more than one ‘data’ for an item in the list component.
My code goes that way:

for each(var stItem:XML in xml.station){
        item = new Object();
        item.label = stItem.@disp.toString();
        item.data = stItem.@url.toString();
        serverUrl = stItem.server.@url.toString();

But now i cannot use ‘serverUrl’ outside the loop. My question is: how can i associate the ‘serverUrl’ tag with the selectedItem?