Xml and numbers


My problem is a bit more complex as I describe here but if someone can help me with this im sure I’ll figure out the rest myself.

I’ve a xml file that looks something like:

< h e l l o >
< t e s t > 2 0 < / t e s t >
< / h e l l o>

after I load the xml into flash and use the following actionscript:

forExample = example.childNodes[0].childNodes[0];

it displays 20 on the screen.

But now I like to add 2.

So I thought:

showMe22 = forExample + 2;

but unfortunatly that doesnt work… it displays “NaN” instead of 22.

For some reason it doesnt see 20 as a integer (but as text?). How can I solve this problem n make it display 22?

Thanx in advance.
