XML Assistance Please

Hi people,

I feel like I am banging my head against a brick wall! Ok, I’m going in circles a little bit on this and I need some help.

I have an interactive slideshow that I need to do which display pictures. Upon hitting the “next” or “previous” button one pictures needs to slide off to the left with motion blur and easing while the next one comes on from the right.

Sounds simple enough right!

As far as I have been able to find out, the best way to do this would be using XML. I have looked at a ton of tutorials on xml for AS3 and I can’t seem to adapt them to match what I am trying to do. There seems to be so many different ways that one can go about loading xml and all of them are different so I don’t see how to make the different tutorials integrate into what I need. I found tutorials that do pictures and text, or just text, or pictures that go automatically but not with buttons etc - and what I need is just pictures with buttons and motion easing (which I can probably figure out once I learn how to load the xml pics and get them moving with buttons).

I was not expecting to get some code that I could just copy and paste but I have not been able to figure out to adjust the code to fit what I need.

I am doing the AS in an .as file and I am trying not to put any AS in the fla document because this slideshow is just one section of a bigger framework.

I am pretty new to AS3 and actually AS in general but am a pretty fast learner.

I know this is a bit long winded but if anyone can take the time to help me simplify this I would really appreciate it. I need to do several similar properties like the one above so I’m really trying to simplify this so I can get it done. Thanks in advance for any help you can give.