Xml, attachMovie and createTextField

ok, here we go again… i am back working on this file and, again, stuck with it. Some time ago Asish very kindly pointed me in the right direction, but i haven’t been able to properly solve my problem. If anyone could give me some pointers that would be great. I’ll try and explain…

I have an XML file i load into Flash. The xml gives me a set of text headers and text descriptions. Something like this:

<header>header 1</header>
<desc>description 1</desc>
<header>header 2</header>
<desc>description 2</desc>

I need to position these headers&descriptions in a column underneath each other, so i need to know their height in order to position the following text field in the right _y. Any of these headers and descriptions could vary in height.

I am placing each item (header&description) in a movie “newi” with attachMovie. And because it might all need to have a scroll bar, it’s all contained in another movie called itemContainer.

function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {
myXML = this.firstChild.childNodes;
itemContainer._x = 20;
itemContainer._y = 20;

	for (var i = 0; i&lt;myXML.length; i++) {
		item = itemContainer.attachMovie("newi", "newi"+i, i);
		itemContainer.item.header.text = this.firstChild.childNodes*.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
		itemContainer.item.description.text = this.firstChild.childNodes*.childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeValue;
		itemContainer.item._x = 80;
		itemContainer.item._y = 100+110*i;

xmlData = new XML();
xmlData.ignoreWhite = true;
xmlData.onLoad = loadXML;

inside newi I only dynamically create the text fields with createtextField. I think this is the only way I can then read the height of the text fields, is this correct? I have something like this in newi

this.createTextField(“header”, this.getNextHighestDepth(), 10, 10, 140, 20);
this.createTextField(“description”, this.getNextHighestDepth(), 10, 40, 140, 20);
header.multiline = true;
header.border = true;
header.textColor = 0xffffff;
header.autoSize = true;
header.wordWrap = true;
description.multiline = true;
description.border = true;
description.textColor = 0xffffff;
description.autoSize = true;
description.wordWrap = true;

And well, it is not working. I’ve been over it so many times i can’t think about it very clearly anymore! :m:

Attached is a fla with this. I don’t know if maybe i am not approaching this in the right way. If anyone could give me a hand it would be much much appreciated!

thank you
