XML bug?

I use flash to communicate with server side script with XML and it all quit working with AS3.0. It used to work great with the XMLsendandload from AS2.0 and I have been banging my head against the wall and talking to tech support, but they have assured me it works and I’m doing something wrong. Turns out that URLloader/request doesnt’ quite work as advertised and it is incapable of sending an XML packet to the server, but treats the XML packet like a big variable and adds “data=” to the beginning of the packet, which makes it invalid to anything receiving it. Seems like a bummer that the new 3.0 touts such a great XML advancement yet fails at such a primary function. I hate having to change all the server side script since any other software using the script works fine. Maybe I have to make a duplicate script for all of them and name them slightly different from the “real” ones. I’m thinking of a lot of great naming variations now after spending all this time.