Hi there,
Iv posted this also in actionscript 1&2 but no replies.
ive been searching the forum for hours but cant exactly find what i need. Im building this navigation/gallery sort a thing and im using KIRUPA’s gallery. I know how this thing works now, but i iwant to try something else. I the navigation ive build in the gallery. On every link i want the gallery to swap to a other category of images. I cant figure it OUT… help please.
here’s my code, so far
//var url = “http://www.cvay.com/new/navigatie/”;function loadXML(loaded) { if (loaded) { xmlNode = this.firstChild; image = []; category = []; ctotal= xmlNode.childNodes.length; total = xmlNode.firstChild.childNodes.length; for (i=0; i<total; i++) { image* = xmlNode.childNodes[0].childNodes*.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue; } for (i=0; i<ctotal; i++) { category* = xmlNode.childNodes*.nodeName; } firstImage(); } else { _parent.nextFrame(); }}var test = new Array(category*);trace (test)xmlData = new XML();xmlData.ignoreWhite = true;xmlData.onLoad = loadXML;xmlData.load(“nav_images.xml”);/////////////////////////////////////c = 0; function nextCategory(){ c++; trace©; loadXML(); trace(image)}function nextImage() { if (p<(total-1)) { p++; if (loaded == filesize) { main._alpha = 0; main.loadMovie(image[p]); } } if (p ==(total-1)){ p = 0-1; }}function firstImage() { p = 0; if (loaded == filesize) { main._alpha = 0; main.loadMovie(image[0], 1); }}/////////////////////////////////////////////////// PRELOADERonEnterFrame = function() { filesize = _root.main.getBytesTotal(); loaded = _root.main.getBytesLoaded(); var amount:Number = _root.main.getBytesLoaded() / _root.main.getBytesTotal() 100; _root.preloader_mc._visible = true; if (loaded != filesize) { _root.preloader_mc.preload_bar._xscale = 100loaded/filesize; _root.preloader_mc.loadProc_mc._x = preloader_mc.preload_bar._width - preloader_mc.loadProc_mc._width+20; } else { _root.preloader_mc._visible = false; if (_root.main._alpha<100) { _root.main.alphaTo(100,1,“linear”); } }};
heres the XML
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“utf-8” standalone=“yes”?><images> <home> <pic> <image>home_1.jpg</image> </pic> <pic> <image>home_2.jpg</image> </pic> <pic> <image>home_3.jpg</image> </pic> <pic> <image>home_3.jpg</image> </pic> </home> <villassale> <pic> <image>villassale_1.jpg</image> </pic> <pic> <image>villassale_2.jpg</image> </pic> <pic> <image>villassale_3.jpg</image> </pic> </villassale></images>
the link for the banner
if someone could explain it to me