Hello All!
Here is the goal: From within Flash, send two variables to a PHP script that takes those variables and runs a mySQL query, sends it back to Flash in XML format, and Flash then displays the information in a datagrid.
All of the backend is done and works well.
In Flash, I am using the xmlconnector to reciever the data and I have bound it to a dataGrid component.
To make sure I properly configured the xmlConnector, as well as correctly bound it to the dataGrid component, I created a PHP file that already had the two variables hard-coded so it does not rely upon input from the outside in order to properly generate the XML for Flash.
My actionscript was simple enough:
xmlConn.URL = "http://www.portamentisdesigns.com/clients/mps/queryResultsXML2.php";
The above actionscript works fine as well.
However when I tried connecting to the original PHP file that needs inputted variables, the following AS code failed:
xmlConn.URL = "http://www.portamentisdesigns.com/clients/mps/queryResultsXML.php?variableOne=something&variableTwo=somethingElse";
Why isn’t it as simple as giving the xmlConnector a URL with appended vars?:crying:
If the above code had worked, the next logical step would have been along the lines of:
var variableOne= varOneTextField.text;
var variableTwo= varTwoTextField.text;
dataXML.URL = "http://www.portamentisdesigns.com/clients/mps/queryResultsXML.php?variableOne="+variableOneInput+"&variableTwo="+variableTwoInput
Where has my understanding and/or logic failed here? Thank you for your help.
Take care,