Okay, I’m only starting to get into the whole scary looking world of intergrating flash with a database and all that Jazz. And I dont really understand it…
I have worked with Microsoft Access databases and .asp files in a non flash environment (haven’t ventured into MySQL yet). I’ve been playing around with the XML Connector in Flash MX 2004 Pro too, and have gotten the sucker to pull arrays from an XML file.
What I really would like to know is: Can you use XML to connect to an Access Database to get information? And therefore pass that info back to the flash application using the XML Connector? I was reading another post, some guy questioning why you need XML if you use PHP etc, but it didnt really answer my question, basically cos I know nothing about this.
Does anyone know any good tutorial, if there are any, and if this concept works, on how to write the XML to talk to an Access Database?
Any help / comments much appreciated.