Xml created grid problems, Variable Plus+

the “for” loop below creates a grid from xml loaded content… it first creates a row then populates that row with movieclips.

the problem is “row1” creates fine but when it gets to “row2” the information that should be displayed is over written by what is in “row1”… this due to the second running of the inner “for” loop cant create over already set variables by the first running of it:


How can i make it work… i know i need create a difference in the variable names between row1 and row2 but cant figure out how???

Hope that all makes sence… thanks

for (var j = 0; j<rows.length; j++) {

	var folioContent:Array = rows[j].childNodes;
	for(var i = 0; i&lt;folioContent.length; i++){
		var cp:Array = folioContent*;
		imgInfo.push(new Folio(cp.attributes.titles, cp.attributes.thumb, cp.attributes.descriptions, cp.attributes.image));
		var Mov:MovieClip = Holder.attachMovie("Mov", "Mov"+counter, counter); 

		Mov._x = spacerX;
		Mov._y = spacerY;
		Mov.titles = imgInfo*.titles;
		Mov.image = imgInfo*.image;
		Mov.descriptions = imgInfo*.des;

		spacerX += Mov._width + 5;
spacerY += Mov._height + 5;
spacerX = 0;
