Hello - have you had any experience with Special characters like those in French showing up correctly?
The xml is being called from a flash container - but for some reason the special characters shows fine in the xml editor, but is missing when being displayed by the swf…tres horrible!
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?>
<menu start=“0” tag=“La technologie au service de meilleurs résultats d’affaires” taglink=“http://toys1.com/index.html” clickDrag=“false”>
<section Title="A User’s Guide" NavOver="Business and Technology" color="0xEB5F01" xSpin="0" ySpin="310" cord="p7" tag="singlehead">
<COPY CLASS="smallcap" INSET="0" BASESHIFT="-11" WIDTH="330">
Penser autrement:</COPY>
<COPY CLASS=“superhead” INSET=“0” BASESHIFT="-55" WIDTH=“330”>
Guide de l’utilisateur.</COPY>
<COPY CLASS=“colorbody” INSET=“0” BASESHIFT="-5" WIDTH=“330”>
Penser autrement en matière d’affaires et de technologie</COPY>
Penser autrement c’est reconnaître que les technologies de l’information sont devenues les technologies d’affaires, et il y a peu de chance que la tendance se renverse.
Any help would be greatly appreciated