XML Drop down: Horizontal and color change?


Great site, tutorials and forum :slight_smile:

question about the XML Drop Down tutorial:

  1. How could this be made to be a horizontal menu with vertical drop downs (or pop-ups)?
  2. Can the nav have rollOver colors specified in the XML file - allowing others to modify the colors as well as content?

Thank you.

  1. A simple [search][/search] would lead you to this thread: http://www.kirupaforum.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=44812&highlight=horizontal+XML :wink:

  2. As you might be able to see in the code, the hover color is just a color applied with the Color object and setRGB. This can just as well be done in onPress for a down color as well. All you would need to do is to use a color from the XML file instead of one hardcoded into the script as it is now. Shouldnt be that hard if you understand the basics of the extraction of the properties from the XML file.

(Ahhhh - the cardinal rule…I’m not new to forums…honest…sorry guys :blush: )

Thanks so much senocular, and will be sure to stick with searching first :wink:

Helps tremendously and a huge turn on to XML

Don’t worry about it. Some people can pound you for not searching first; I try not to be too harsh though sometimes I can fail at that :wink:

Welcome to the forums! :smiley: