I’m new to this so sorry if this is an obvious question. I’m have set up a photo gallery using the ‘Kirupa Xml and flash gallery tutorial’ and I wanted to use this but implement the border resizing function featured in the galleries on in the ‘Howd he do this? Resizing slideshow’ thread.
I’ve been going through that thread for hours and can’t find the answers I need.
I am completely lost on this!!!:wt:
Please can someone help with this?
Here is the code for my gallery:
function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {
xmlNode = this.firstChild;
image = [];
description = [];
total = xmlNode.childNodes.length;
for (i=0; i<total; i++) {
image* = xmlNode.childNodes*.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
description* = xmlNode.childNodes*.childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeValue;
} else {
content = "file not loaded!";
xmlData = new XML();
xmlData.ignoreWhite = true;
xmlData.onLoad = loadXML;
listen = new Object();
listen.onKeyDown = function() {
if (Key.getCode() == Key.LEFT) {
} else if (Key.getCode() == Key.RIGHT) {
previous_btn.onRelease = function() {
next_btn.onRelease = function() {
p = 0;
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
filesize = picture.getBytesTotal();
loaded = picture.getBytesLoaded();
preloader._visible = true;
if (loaded != filesize) {
preloader.preload_bar._xscale = 100*loaded/filesize;
} else {
preloader._visible = false;
if (picture._alpha<100) {
picture._alpha += 10;
function nextImage() {
if (p<(total-1)) {
if (loaded == filesize) {
picture._alpha = 0;
picture.loadMovie(image[p], 1);
desc_txt.text = description[p];
function prevImage() {
if (p>0) {
picture._alpha = 0;
picture.loadMovie(image[p], 1);
desc_txt.text = description[p];
function firstImage() {
if (loaded == filesize) {
picture._alpha = 0;
picture.loadMovie(image[0], 1);
desc_txt.text = description[0];
function picture_num() {
current_pos = p+1;
pos_txt.text = current_pos+" / "+total;
I use this on the movie clip ‘picture’ to centre all images:
// Load the images into the centre of this movieclip
// Set your stage width & height
// Find when the XML has loaded in the image
// Divide the stage width & height by two from you current size
// Set this movieclip X & Y axis & then minus it axis by two to find the middle
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
stage_width = 576;
stage_height = 536;
if (this.getBytesLoaded()>=this.getBytesTotal() && this.getBytesTotal()>500) {
centerw = stage_width/2;
centerh = stage_height/2;
this._x = centerw-(this._width/2);
this._y = centerh-(this._height/2);
I have attached a .zip of my gallery and an example of what I wish to achieve using my .xml gallery:
Many thanks