testing with flash and XML
now i show what i have to do…
i have loaded all text, as “tittle and description” by XML
<TUTORIAL TITULO="4 HOJAS" DESCRIPCION="Amazing proyect, text model" />
that in flash i call like this:
1º photogram
getxmldata = new XML();
3º Fotograma
if (getxmldata.loaded) {
var p = getxmldata.firstChild;
xmldoc = getxmldata.childNodes;
TUTORIAL = p.nodeName;
titulo = p.attributes.titulo;
descripcion = p.attributes.descripcion;
canti = p.attributes.canti;
titulo= tittle
descripcion= description
canti= how many in number
all most done, but i what to put in the XML, how many .jpg are in a folder, so that number it’s taken by flash, and avariable the pictures to open.
i was thinking do it like this:
aphotos = arrayphotos;
nrophoto = 0;
nrophoto begins in 0 and it’s going to increment.
i have stuck now…
some can help me??