XML for each loop

I have been at this for awhile now and I am struggling a little bit. I have figured out how to do a for each loop and get text to display in a text field inside a movieclip but I want to do the same thing with an image and seem to be having some trouble. My last question is I have added an event listener inside the loop and can trace it out but how can I target each one of those names since its created after the loop.

var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var xmlData:XML = new XML();

xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, LoadXML);

xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("xmlThumbs.xml"));

function LoadXML(evt:Event):void {
    xmlData = new XML(evt.target.data);

function ParseNodes(myInput:XML):void {
    var myList:XMLList = myInput.Photo.title;
    var newList:XMLList = myInput.Photo.image;
    var thumbNail:circle;
    var i:uint = 0;
    for each (var myElement:XML in myList) {
        thumbNail = new circle();
        thumbNail.tf_title.text = myElement;
        thumbNail.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, thumbClick);
        thumbNail.name = "thumb" + i;
        thumbNail.x = 20;
        thumbNail.y = 20 + i * 100; 

function thumbClick(evt:MouseEvent):void {

        <title>Photo 1</title>
        <intro>Photo 1 Info</intro>    
        <title>Photo 2</title>
        <intro>Photo 2 Info</intro>    
        <title>Photo 3</title>
        <intro>Photo 3 Info</intro>    
        <title>Photo 4</title>
        <intro>Photo 4 Info</intro>    

Thank you for anyone that can help me I have really be struggling with this and for some reason cant get past it.