First of all I want to thank Kirupa web site and all its collaborators for the great job, I have advanced a lot in my flash skills thank to this site.
After a long time researching, I was trying to addapt the XML Gallery Tutorial so that I could load SWF files, im working to creat a sort of magazine proyect, which I need to also load video files, and I’m going nutz trying to load FLV files, the only way I got the script to load video was embedding the files into the timeline.
What I´ve been trying is creating a SWF file, which is included in my XML file, and that same file is calling a FLV player. But it doesn´t seem to load.
Ive read all sort of tutorials, and previous forum threads, but I cant seem to get this done.
I am not a programmer, I´m just a graphic designer with some basic ActionScript skills and understanding.
Thanks for your time.