XML Image Problem in Firefox

I can’t get the image rotator to work perfectly in Firefox… although the site works perfectly in IE 6 and 7.


The code is a mess, but, can someone point out what I’m doing wrong please? I’m thinking it has something to do with initial loading of the image…

bump :stuck_out_tongue:

can you post the URL? that would help, usually if iflash acts weird in diffrent browsers, it’s not the actionScript, it’s either the html or the version of flash plug-in.

The site can be accessed by clicking on the “LINK”.

The url is http://www.calvintage.com/enthaice


EDIT: The site looks totally broken when viewed with Opera. :crying:

Opera had Flash 7.0 installed on it.

Following link checks which version of Flash you have installed on your browser:

The image isn’t quite loading perfectly still in FF and Opera, but, at least now they’re both working.

i don’t have Opera, but these sites look identical to me in ie and ff…you do have a white space (a slide without a picture) in the slideshow, and that kinda drives me crazy, but over all it rules. good job.

thanx malidia… oh and sorry.

i’ve just uploaded the new version. ->> http://www.enthaice.com

i wonder why the images aren’t loading up… it works fine on my computer… i got it working on IE, FF, and Opera… although the first image turns white for FF and Opera.