XML in flash question

I recently found this tutorial on integrating xml in flash and I can not figure out how to bold things. I know that <b> and <STRONG> will bold things but, when I enter type in either syntex in my XML document I get “null” replacing the sentence I need bolded. Below is my Flash and XML script I pieced together, if you could please show me how to bold the words you would be forever awesome.



<body><STRONG> I Would like to bold this text </STRONG> but this part I want to remain unbold</body></story>


headlineXML = new XML();
With the XML Object now active you must now load an XML foramtted document.
Any DTD or XLS formatting will be ignored.
headlineXML.onLoad = myLoad;
function myLoad(ok) {
if (ok == true) {
function Publish(HeadlineXMLNode) {
if (HeadlineXMLNode.nodeName.toUpperCase() == “BROADCAST”) {
content = “”;
story = HeadlineXMLNode.firstChild;
while (story != null) {
if (story.nodeName.toUpperCase() == “STORY”) {
lead = “”;
body = “”;
URL = “”;
b = “”;
element = story.firstChild;
while (element != null) {
if (element.nodeName.toUpperCase() == “LEAD”) {
lead = element.firstChild.nodeValue;
if (element.nodeName.toUpperCase() == “BODY”) {
body = element.firstChild.nodeValue;
if (element.nodeName.toUpperCase() == “URL”) {
URL = element.firstChild.nodeValue;

                element = element.nextSibling;

content += “<font size=’+1’ color=’#3366cc’><a href=’”+URL+"’>"+lead+"</a></font>"+body+"<br>";
scroller.htmltext = content;
story = story.nextSibling;