XML into Flash

hi there. i’m a bit new to xml and have gone thru a few beginner tutorials. i’ve got a scenario that i’m working thru on paper first and wanted to run it by everyone to see if i’m doing it correctly and most importantly, efficiently. so, here goes…

the situation | an instance of the DateChooser component reads an xml file which houses info for homework assignments and their due dates. if there is a due date, make sure that date is highlighted on the DateChooser component. from what i’ve been told, the xml file stores urls which will tell if there is s/thing due on a particular date.

the xml file | very simple, has an <activity> element with a ‘date’ attribute, i.e.
<activity date=“June 30, 2004”></activity>

the flash file | create a new XML object, i.e.

// create a new XML object
thisXML = new XML();

// ignore whitespace in the file
thisXML.ignoreWhite = true;

// load the xml file

my remaining questions |

What needs to happen as soon as the xml file is loaded? i.e. do i call a function which parses the xml data and puts it into an array? then the DateChooser component iterates thru the array looking for boolean values noting if there is an activity or not and if so, on which day. if it finds one, it sets its highlight property to true for that particular day.

any suggestions would be very much appreciated. i’m new to xml and am not even sure if i’m setting up the xml file correctly. thank you in advance.
