XML links list...how can it be done

I’m starting to learn XML with Flash–the Kirupa tutorial on XML as well as Lee Brimelow’s XML tutorials on gotoAndLearn() have been wonderful. But here’s an actionscript challenge: I’m trying to create a list of links, with the link text and url of each link stored in an XML file. The file looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <myEssay name="Why No One's a Fan of Stanley Fish (2006)" url="docs/stanfish.html" />
  <myEssay name="The Fiction of History (2006)" url="docs/hwhite.html" />

I’ve seen projects that load each link into a textbox in an iteration of a premade movieclip and set an onRelease event to the whole movieclip to open the link. This is a novel solution, but won’t work for me for two reasons: 1.) I have about forty links and a series of forty movieclips, even if they’re only 20 pixels tall, will run off the stage, and 2.) I don’t yet know how to make a scrollbar for a series of movieclip symbols.

But I do know how to make a scrollbar for a dynamix textfield, so that’s what I’m doing. This AS loads in the names of my essays and displays them, one on each line, in a dynamic textbox called essayLinks:

menuXml = new XML();
menuXml.ignoreWhite = true;
menuXml.onLoad = function(success) {
    if (success) {
        myEssays = this.firstChild.childNodes;
        for (var i=0; i<myEssays.length; i++) {
            essayLinks.text += (myEssays*.attributes.name + "

The problem is how to attach a hyperlink (destination stored in the XML as an attribute called “url”) to each line. I immediately looked to the TextFormat class (with its TextFormat.url and TextFormat.target properties), but I think that has to be applied to a whole textfield, and not just a string of text (If I could I would store **myEssays.attributes.name *as a temporary string variable and apply the TextFormat to it). So this is where things fall apart. Tell me if I’m going about this all wrong, but if I’m not I would really like some help.
