XML Menu Question

I’ve got a dynamically generated XML Menu. Works pretty well except for a couple of slight problems.

  1. I need the ‘menu’ node also be clickable to goto a URL
  2. If the ‘menu’ only has a single child node, I don’t want the child node to display.

Code is below. If anyone can help, that would be appreciated.

// generates a list of menu items (effectively one menu)
// given the inputted parameters.  This makes the main menu
// as well as any of the submenus
GenerateMenu = function(container, name, x, y, depth, node_xml,direction) {
    // variable declarations
    var curr_node;
    var curr_item;
    var curr_menu = container.createEmptyMovieClip(name, depth);
    // for all items or XML nodes (items and menus)
    // within this node_xml passed for this menu
    for (var i=0; i<node_xml.childNodes.length; i++) {
        // movieclip for each menu item
        if( direction == "horizontal"){
            curr_item = curr_menu.attachMovie("menuitem","item"+i+"_mc", i);
            curr_item._x = x + i*curr_item._width;
            curr_item._y = y;
        //Assumre direction is vertical
            curr_item = curr_menu.attachMovie("submenuitem","item"+i+"_mc", i);
            curr_item._x = x;
            curr_item._y = y + i*curr_item._height;
        curr_item.trackAsMenu = true;
        // item properties assigned from XML
        curr_node = node_xml.childNodes*;
        curr_item.action = curr_node.attributes.action;
        curr_item.variables = curr_node.attributes.variables;
        //curr_item.name.text = curr_node.attributes.name;
        curr_item.txt = curr_node.attributes.name;
        // item submenu behavior for rollover event
        if (node_xml.childNodes*.nodeName == "menu"){
            // open a submenu
            curr_item.node_xml = curr_node;
            curr_item.onRollOver = curr_item.onDragOver = function(){
                if(this._parent._name == "mainmenu_mc"){
                    var x = this._x+1;
                    var y = this._y + this._height ;
                    var x = this._x + this._width - 3 ;
                    var y = this._y;
                GenerateMenu(curr_menu, "submenu_mc", x, y, 1000, this.node_xml);
        }else{ // nodeName == "item"
            curr_item.arrow._visible = false;
            // close existing submenu
            curr_item.onRollOver = curr_item.onDragOver = function(){
        curr_item.onRollOut = curr_item.onDragOut = function(){
            if( ( this._parent._xmouse <= this._x || this._parent._ymouse <= this._y || this._parent._xmouse > this._x+this._width || this._parent._ymouse >= this._y+this._height ) && !menu_holder.mainmenu_mc.hitTest(_root._xmouse,_root._ymouse,true)){
        // any item, menu opening or not can have actions
        curr_item.onRelease = function(){
    } // end for loop

// create the main menu, this will be constantly visible
CreateMainMenu = function(x, y, depth, menu_xml){
    // generate a menu list
    GenerateMenu(menu_holder, "mainmenu_mc", x, y, depth, menu_xml.firstChild,"horizontal");
    // close only submenus if visible durring a mouseup
    // this main menu (mainmenu_mc) will remain
    mainmenu_mc.onMouseUp = function(){
        if (menu_holder.mainmenu_mc.submenu_mc && !menu_holder.mainmenu_mc.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)){

// closes all submenus by removing the submenu_mc
// in the main menu (if it exists)
CloseSubmenus = function(){
    for( var i in menu_holder.mainmenu_mc){
        if( i == "submenu_mc" ){

// This actions object handles methods for actions
// defined by the XML called when a menu item is pressed
Actions = Object();
Actions.gotoURL = function(contentsLabel){

// load XML, when done, run CreateMainMenu to interpret it
menu_xml = new XML();
menu_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
menu_xml.onLoad = function(ok){
    // create main menu after successful loading of XML
    if (ok){
        CreateMainMenu(0, 0, 0, this);
        trace("error:  XML not successfully loaded");
// load first XML menu