XML MENU - Scope?

Hi all,

What I have is a menu from attached MC’s with the infomation coming from a XML file. I also have images on the stage with alpha set to 0, I want to display the images by changing there _alpha when rolling over the menu. Which image to display on which button comes from the XML as well, but I carn’t get it to work.

var btn_spacing = 18;
one_mc._visible = false;
two_mc._visible = false;
three_mc._visible = false;
four_mc._visible = false;
five_mc._visible = false;
six_mc._visible = false;
seven_mc._visible = false;
myXml = new XML();
myXml.ignoreWhite = true;
myXml.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {
} else {
trace(“XML not loaded”);
loadNav = function () {
start = myXml.firstChild.childNodes;
for (var i = 0; i<start.length; i++) {
info = start*;
navBtn = navHolder_mc.attachMovie(“btn_mc”, “btn_mc”+i, i+1);
navtBtn.base_mc._alpha = 0;
navBtn._y = btn_spacing*i;
navBtn.name = info.attributes.name;
navBtn.idColor = info.attributes.color;
navBtn.display = info.attributes.display;
navBtn.name_txt.text = navBtn.name;
navBtn.onRollOver = function() {
this.base_mc._alpha = 85;
changeColor(this.base_mc, this.idColor);
this.name_txt.textColor = 0x333333;
this.display._visible = true
navBtn.onRollOut = function() {
this.base_mc._alpha = 0;
this.name_txt.textColor = 0xffffff;
navBtn.onDragOut = function() {
this.base_mc._alpha = 0;
this.name_txt.textColor = 0xffffff;
changeColor = function (tar, col) {
banColor = new Color(tar);

the xml

<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“ISO-8859-1”?>
<nav display=“one_mc” name=" ONE" color=“0xffcc00” />
<nav display=“two_mc” name=" TWO" color=“0x0fc9f0” />
<nav display=“three_mc” name=" THREE" color=“0x75ee11” />
<nav display=“four_mc” name=" FOUR" color=“0xf807ce” />
<nav display=“five_mc” name=" FIVE" color=“0xf50a80” />
<nav display=“six_mc” name=" SIX" color=“0xffff00” />
<nav display=“seven_mc” name=" SEVEN" color=“0x9ef807” />