XML - mix the squirrel tutorial and the portofolio tutorial


I’m trying to mix 2 tutorials: the Squirrel Finder (http://www.kirupa.com/web/xml/examples/squirrelfinder.htm )and the Portfolio ( [URL=“http://www.kirupa.com/web/xml/examples/portfolio.htm”]http://www.kirupa.com/web/xml/examples/portfolio.htm ).

Actually i want to create a list of buttons based on loaded xml and when the buttons are cliked i want to displays information obtained from the xml
associated with that button (this part is ok).Now the things is that i also want to add to each “squirrel” a portofolio but i can 't figure out how to write the AS.

here are my codes

the xml

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
	<menuitems sourceurl="http://spot.colorado.edu/~halloran/sqrl.html">
		<item type="squirrel">
			<species>Abert Squirrels</species>
				<![CDATA[Abert squirrels (Sciurus aberti) are only found in mountain regions of North America. In the United States their range extends from extreme south-central Wyoming to New Mexico and Arizona. There are six valid subspecies including S.a. ferreus, True, the subspecies that is found along the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. Abert squirrels are limited to Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forests in which they feed and build their nests.]]>
				<picture	title		= "Tiny Disk"
				thumb	= "portfolio_images/thumbs/tinydisk.jpg"
				description	= "portfolio_text/tinydisk.txt"
				image	= "portfolio_images/tinydisk.jpg" />
				<picture	title		= "Plug"
				thumb	= "portfolio_images/thumbs/plug.jpg"
				description	= "portfolio_text/plug.txt"
				image	= "portfolio_images/plug.jpg" />
				<picture	title		= "Disk Collection"
				thumb	= "portfolio_images/thumbs/diskcollection.jpg"
				description	= "portfolio_text/diskcollection.txt"
				image	= "portfolio_images/diskcollection.jpg" />
		</item type="squirrel">
		<item type="squirrel">
			<species>Douglas Squirrels</species>
				<![CDATA[Douglas squirrels (Tamiasciurus douglasii) are found throughout the coniferous forests of Southwestern British Columbia, western Washington, western Oregon, and western California.]]>
				<picture	title		= "Tiny Disk"
				thumb	= "portfolio_images/thumbs/tinydisk.jpg"
				description	= "portfolio_text/tinydisk.txt"
				image	= "portfolio_images/tinydisk.jpg" />
				<picture	title		= "Plug"
				thumb	= "portfolio_images/thumbs/plug.jpg"
				description	= "portfolio_text/plug.txt"
				image	= "portfolio_images/plug.jpg" />
		<item type="squirrel">
			<species>Eastern Grey Squirrels</species>
				<![CDATA[Eastern gray squirrels are found throughout the eastern United States; their natural range extends from Florida, north to Canada, and west to where the deciduous forests meet the great plains grasslands. There are 5 subspecies of eastern grey squirrels, S. carolinensis carolinensis is the subspecies found in most of the south from northern Florida, to North Carolina, west to Missouri, and eastern Texas.]]>

the as

function DisplayInfo(){
	menu_mc._visible = false;
	infobox_mc._visible = true;
	infobox_mc.content_txt.text = this.location_text;

infobox_mc.close_btn.onRelease = function(){
	menu_mc._visible = true;
	infobox_mc._visible = false;
	infobox_mc.content_txt.text = "";
infobox_mc._visible = false; // start the info box hidden

// define basic variables for setting up the menu
var item_spacing = 28; // how far menu items are spaced veritcally
var item_count = 0; // counts menu items as they are added from the XML
// var for the portofolio
var thumb_spacing = 40;

// load variables object to handle loading of text
var description_lv = new LoadVars();
description_lv.onData = function(raw_text){
	description_txt.text = raw_text;

// CreateMenu creates a menu based on the XML object passed.
// It loops through all the items with a for loop adding clips to the menu_mc
// movieclip on the timeline, defining the appropriate text where needed
function CreateMenu(menu_xml){
	// start with the first item in the XML
	var items = menu_xml.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes; // menu -> menuitems -> child nodes array
	for (var i=0; i<items.length; i++) {
		// only continue if the type of this item is a squirrel
		if (items*.attributes.type == "squirrel") { 
			// create variables for our elements
			var species = items*.firstChild; // same as items*.childNodes[0]
			var location = items*.childNodes[1]; // second child node
		//	function GeneratePortfolio(portfolio_xml){
		//	var portfolioPictures = portfolio_xml.firstChild.childNodes;
		//	for (var i = 0; i < portfolioPictures.length; i++){
			var currentPicture = portfolioPictures*;
			var currentThumb_mc = menu_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("thumbnail_mc"+i,i);
			currentThumb_mc._x = i * thumb_spacing;
			currentThumb_mc.title = currentPicture.attributes.title;
			currentThumb_mc.image = currentPicture.attributes.image;
			currentThumb_mc.description = currentPicture.attributes.description;
		currentThumb_mc.onRollOver = currentThumb_mc.onDragOver = function(){
			info_txt.text = this.title;
		currentThumb_mc.onRollOut = currentThumb_mc.onDragOut = function(){
			info_txt.text = "";
		currentThumb_mc.onRelease = function(){
			// Create a menu item movie clip in the menu_mc instance on the main timeline
			// for each item element offsetting each additional further down the screen
			var item_mc = menu_mc.attachMovie("menu_item","item"+item_count, item_count);
			item_mc._y = item_count * item_spacing;
			// assign text using nodeValue to get the text
			// from the text nodes and CDATA sections
			item_mc.species_txt.text = species.firstChild.nodeValue;
			item_mc.main_btn.location_text = location.firstChild.nodeValue;
			// set the onRelease of the item button to the DisplayInfo function
			item_mc.main_btn.onRelease = DisplayInfo;

var squirrel_xml = new XML();
squirrel_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
squirrel_xml.onLoad = function(success){
	if (success) CreateMenu(this);
	else trace("Error loading XML file"); // no success?  trace error (wont be seen on web)

Thanks for the help