XML onPress Problem

hi, i have a little trouble with my xml menu, i have this code, but went i call my full image and try to upload doesn’t work. I try to put my full image in and Movie Clip with the name of contenedor. But appear a message saying “Error opening URL ‘file:///Macintosh%20HD/Users/sopaseco/Desktop/web2/undefined’

All work perfect less the onPress.

this is my Action Script:

function loadXml(file:String) {
	menuXml.ignoreWhite = true;
	menuXml.onLoad = loadMapData;
	function loadMapData() {
		for (var i = 0; i<this.firstChild.childNodes.length; i++) {
			var bn = this.firstChild.childNodes*.attributes.buttonName;
			var t = this.firstChild.childNodes*.attributes.thumbs;
			var b = _root.btn.bM1.attachMovie("button", bn, i);
			//var b1 = _root.btn.b1.attachMovie("button2", bn, i);
			b._x = xStart+((bWidth+2)*i);
			b._y = yStart;
			b.txt = bn;
			loadMovie(t, b.foto);
			b.onPress = function() {
			b.onRollOver = function() {
				this.t2._y = 20;
				this.t2._alpha = 0;
				Tweener.addTween(this.t1,{_alpha:0, _y:-10, time:0.5});
				Tweener.addTween(this.t2,{_alpha:80, _y:0, time:0.5, onStart:function () {
				this._visible = true;
				Tweener.addTween(this.foto,{_alpha:100, time:1, onStart:function () {
				this._visible = true;
			b.onRollOut = function() {
				Tweener.addTween(this.t1,{_alpha:100, _y:0, time:0.5});
				this.t2._visible = false;
				this.foto._visible = false;
			b.t2._visible = false;
			b.foto._visible = false;
			b.t2._alpha = 0;
			b.foto._alpha = 0;

And this one it’s my XML File:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
	<menu buttonName= "01" thumbs= "images/maternity/thumbs/thumb01.jpg" full_url= "images/maternity/foto1.jpg"/>
	<menu buttonName= "02" thumbs= "images/maternity/thumbs/thumb02.jpg" full_url= "images/maternity/foto2.jpg"/>
	<menu buttonName= "03" thumbs= "images/maternity/thumbs/thumb03.jpg" full_url= "images/maternity/foto3.jpg"/>
	<menu buttonName= "04" thumbs= "images/maternity/thumbs/thumb04.jpg" full_url= "images/maternity/foto4.jpg"/>
	<menu buttonName= "05" thumbs= "images/maternity/thumbs/thumb05.jpg" full_url= "images/maternity/foto5.jpg"/>
	<menu buttonName= "06" thumbs= "images/maternity/thumbs/thumb06.jpg" full_url= "images/maternity/foto1.jpg"/>
	<menu buttonName= "07" thumbs= "images/maternity/thumbs/thumb07.jpg" full_url= "images/maternity/foto2.jpg"/>
	<menu buttonName= "08" thumbs= "images/maternity/thumbs/thumb08.jpg" full_url= "images/maternity/foto3.jpg"/>
	<menu buttonName= "09" thumbs= "images/maternity/thumbs/thumb09.jpg" full_url= "images/maternity/foto4.jpg"/>
	<menu buttonName= "10" thumbs= "images/maternity/thumbs/thumb10.jpg" full_url= "images/maternity/foto5.jpg"/>
	<menu buttonName= "11" thumbs= "images/maternity/thumbs/thumb11.jpg" full_url= "images/maternity/foto1.jpg"/>
	<menu buttonName= "12" thumbs= "images/maternity/thumbs/thumb12.jpg" full_url= "images/maternity/foto2.jpg"/>