XML Parse Into Array

Starters I’m developing for V4.0 and up so no simple_XML. Just skip down to see what i want to do. I’ve tried for the last 3 hours and cant figure it out.

//edit, is it possible to get the source for simple_xml and just include it with the file or is that against the licence/use thingy’s.

//Parse Function//
function parse_node($node) {
    global $PART;
    if ($node->has_child_nodes()) {
        foreach($node->child_nodes() as $n) {
            if ($n->node_name() == '#text') {
                eval("$node->name=\"" . $n->node_value() . "\";");
            else {
                $n->name = $node->name . '->' . $n->node_name();
//Read File//
$xmlstg = file_get_contents("xtag.xml");
$xmlstg = str_replace("
", "", $xmlstg);
$xmlstg = str_replace("	", "", $xmlstg);

//Parse File//    
$dom = domxml_open_mem($xmlstg,DOMXML_LOAD_PARSING,$error);
$root = $dom->document_element();
$root->name = '$PART';

//Get Part//
$value = $PART->parts->part1;

<?xml version="1.0"?>

** What I want to do with the XML and PHP.**

//Get Part//
$value = $PART->parts[1]->part1;

<?xml version="1.0"?>