Hi, been doing some experiments with the xml photo gallery. Made a few changes to get it working how i wanted. Great stuff, it works fine.
I would now like to make some changes to the interface and how i can control what is displayed when. It can be a bit tiresome sitting through lots of images. clicking ‘next’ and ‘previous’ 100 times!
So what I have created is a small collection of buttons nested in a movie clip that correspond to the images in the xml document. I have made everything but cant get the buttons action script to load the corresponding image. Im stuck. doh.
What im trying to do is :-
eg…click on button number 1 = loads image number 1 from xml document into the picture mc.
click on button number 27 = loads 27th image from xml doc.
I have tried various ways to do this but none seem to work. Any help would be most welcome. thx.