XML Photo Gallery Question

Hi there, first I’ll just say thanks to all at kirupa.com for the great tuts.

Down to business, I have created my own photo gallery that uses XML for the image and thumbnail paths, I have had a look at the XML Photo Gallery (I’ll use the term **XPG **from now on!) tutorial on this site and found that I have mostly done the right things to get my gallery to work. The reason I looked at the gallery was actually to find out how the next and previous buttons worked as I need to get something similar working on my gallery.

The problem I have is this; my gallery uses images and thumbnails gathered from an XML file, my XML looks something like the following code:

		<image source="pics/pic1.jpg" thumb="pics/th1.jpg" />
		<image source="pics/pic2.jpg" thumb="pics/th2.jpg" />
		<image source="pics/pic3.jpg" thumb="pics/th3.jpg" />
		<!-- 12 more entries -->
 		<image source="pics/pic16.jpg" thumb="pics/th16.jpg" />
		<!-- 14 more entries -->
 		<image source="pics/pic31.jpg" thumb="pics/th31.jpg" />
		<!-- 14 more entries -->

So my gallery will display 15 thumbs per page and the image and source are collected using the [color=Navy]attributes[/color].source and [color=Navy]attributes[/color].thumbs method.

When looking into the source of the XPG tutorial the XML is different in that it uses the [color=Navy]nodeValue [/color][color=Black]to obtain the required paths so it has me a little confused. What I need to do is navigate through the groups the same way as the XPG navigates through images but I fail when I try to set up the initial loding function, simlply because I cant get my head around the script (I am a complete novice by the way).

My question is this, How can I modify the following part of the code so that it can interact with my XML file?

function loadXML(loaded) {
	if (loaded) {
		xmlNode = this.firstChild;
		image = [];
		description = [];
		total = xmlNode.childNodes.length;
		for (i=0; i<total; i++) {
			image* = xmlNode.childNodes*.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
			description* = xmlNode.childNodes*.childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeValue;
	} else {
		content = "file not loaded!";

As far as I can tell I would need to add a variable for the group element and thats about as far as I am able to go with it. I have tried many different approches but so far I have had no joy, the best I have come up with will only display four thumbs and they are all the first image in the XML file.

If anybody has any suggestions I would be very greatfull for the assistance, if I have not made my intentions clear enough I will try to expand on this post.

Thanks in advance!

Word, I downloaded the final files but the previous and next buttons aren’t working. Were you able to come up with a final version with these working?