I know this has been covered several times but I can’t seem to get this to work. I have been all over the place reading about flash and xml. I have my thumbnails and images, etc. working. What I want now is …
I have about 20 images and I want my images to load into 5 columns (4 rows), I want a dynamic border around my Large image that loads, and a dynamic border around my thumnail that is highlighted. I don’t know how to call this into flash from the xml file? xml file here
var thumb_spacing = 40;
var description_lv = new LoadVars();
description_lv.onData = function(raw_text){
description_txt.text = raw_text;
function GeneratePortfolio(portfolio_xml){
var portfolioPictures = portfolio_xml.firstChild.childNodes;
for (var i = 0; i < portfolioPictures.length; i++){
var currentPicture = portfolioPictures*;
var currentThumb_mc = menu_mc.createEmptyMovieClip(“thumbnail_mc”+i,i);
currentThumb_mc._x = i * thumb_spacing;
currentThumb_mc.title = currentPicture.attributes.title;
currentThumb_mc.image = currentPicture.attributes.image;
currentThumb_mc.description = currentPicture.attributes.description;
currentThumb_mc.onRollOver = currentThumb_mc.onDragOver = function(){
info_txt.text = this.title;
currentThumb_mc.onRollOut = currentThumb_mc.onDragOut = function(){
info_txt.text = “”;
currentThumb_mc.onRelease = function(){
var portfolio_xml = new XML();
portfolio_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
portfolio_xml.onLoad = function(success){
if (success) GeneratePortfolio(this);
else trace(“Error loading XML file”);
Thank you for your help.