XML Photo gallery

The FLA file provided in the tutorial “XMl Photogallery” returns the error “Unexpected file format.” when I attempt to load it in Flash MX. I downloaded the MX version, not the 2004 version.

I need to load images from an XML file, how do I place an empty MC on the stage?


you may want to get a few basic tutorials under your belt before tackling XML with Flash…

that said, determine the size of whatever you’ll be loading into the empty MC. Create a rectangle, whatever, the same size as the content with no stroke. Convert it to a movie clip symbol and be sure to set the registration point to the upper left corner. Then double click on it. Check the “timeline indicator” (that’s what i call it, it’s underneath the timeline area in the upper left of the flash window on a Mac) to make sure you are inside the Mc’s timeline. Click on the fill and hit delete. then go back out to the main timeline. You’ll see a little bullseye/circle thing that represents your empty movie clip. make sure to click on it and give it an instance name or you won’t be able to reference it. good luck and I would recommend getting your feet wetter before you tackle XML driven flash or you’ll get too frustrated!