XML Photogallery Thumbnail locations when BG bigger dimentions

First of all i know how much evceryone loves XML photo gallery questions…:stuck_out_tongue: But ive looked for anything similar to mine and i cant find anything like it. I am using this as an externally loaded swf so i have to make the canvas size 766x633. Therein lies the problem. Since the photo gallery is much smaller i moved the whole thing over so it would appear in the right place on the swf underneath it. When i move everything over them thumbnails get all out of place. They slide so you can see about 1/5 of the leftmost thumb sticking out from the right side. Also When i move it the scroll left dowesnt work ethier. I cant figure this out Help please!


ZIP of my FLA attached.

EDIT: I am using the images.xml file from the tutorial
Get the zip here http://www.kirupa.com/developer/mx2004/code/thumbnail_final.zip

ok well i figured out what was wrong with the thumbnail locations. All i had to do was move the empty movie clip all the way to the far left side. This solved the problem of where they were loading. Now the only problem is i cant get the row of thumbs to scroll back to the left. The right works fine, but for some reason nothing happens when you try to do the rollover scroll for hit_left. Thanks


Attached are the fla swf and the xml files

Does anybody know if the problem would be witht he hit_left, the action script code in the fla or the xml code? Any help as of where to look woudl be so helpful!

Nick :hr:

Your problem probably relates to where the hit-left movieclip is located.

Is that what it looks like from the FLA? Im stumped as to what happened. :upset:

Nick :hr: