XML photogallery

Hello, i was traying to put a hover caption
(dynamic, taken from the XML) in the thumbnails of a XML photo gallery, but i can’t. i don’t know what i am doing wrong… and i can’t find teh problem… i post the fla here… FLA!!!

Well RaMMa, personally i don’t like that much of xml… Some stupid problem with the temporary internet files or someting like that is enough to make it work bad… Same about mixing flash with other things… i try to the most not to mix flash with other things, when we can make it all in flash.

Just keep it simple! :s:

So, i hope i’m helping you by giving you this example of an external image slider… for as i saw from your example, it’s much more simple and light too… try to adapt it!..

P.S. - I can’t convert it to flash mx, so i send it in mx2004 version. I hope you can convert it… later on tell me if it helped…

Thank you Jonybigude!!! its very nice, and thanks a lot for your help, but i wanna mean is put a dynamic hover caption on the thumbnails, like the picture…

O course that hover caption have to be from the xml file, where the pictures are…

hummm i see… well, you can see here on the fla i’m giving you, it’s a localization map animation with the captions you ask, but i don’t know how to connect it with the caption you put in the xml… take a look at my fla, maybe it will help…

Again in mx2004… :azn: