Can anyone help me please…I’m new to xml and flash integration… so please bear with me!
I’m calling in images from xml like so…
image* = xmlNode.childNodes*.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
The image paths are appearing in the output window via a trace. So that bit works.
I cant get them to load into the movieclips generated to hold them.
while (Number(n)<_root.no_ofpics) {
n = Number(n)+1;
bn = "button" add n;
duplicateMovieClip("button", bn, n);
setProperty(bn, _x, Number(getProperty(bn, _x))+Number(n*(getProperty(bn, _width)-12)));
//for (var i = picsroot.firstChild; i != null; i=i.nextSibling) {
bn = attachMovie (bn add ".n", "bn" + count, depth ++, {} );
somehow...load images!?!
How should i be expressing the load in this case?
“bn” + count.loadMovie(image*);
or even
loadMovie(“images/image”+n+".jpg", bn add “.blank” );
or similar?!?
this is bending my brain!