Can someone please source me some code that preloads XML with a progress bar / percentage and once it has done that, reads from the XML file - Because atm, I have a progress bar and it loads etc etc, but then if I do a “preview with certain internet speed” it doesn’t load the XML properly?
Heres my code:
feature_name = "intro";
bar._visible = false;
pText._visible = false;
var xmlData = new XML();
xmlData.ignoreWhite = true;
xmlData.onLoad = loadXML;
this.createEmptyMovieClip("xmlPreload", this.getNextHighestDepth());
xmlPreload.onEnterFrame = function(){
var xmlLoaded:Number = xmlData.getBytesLoaded();
var xmlTotal:Number = xmlData.getBytesTotal();
var xmlPercent:Number = xmlLoaded/xmlTotal;
var xmlScale = xmlPercent*100;
if (isNaN(xmlScale) == false) {
bar._visible = true;
pText._visible = true;
trace(Math.floor(xmlScale)+" Before Del");
bar._xscale = xmlScale;
pText.text = Math.floor(xmlScale)+"%";
if (xmlLoaded == xmlTotal) {
trace(Math.floor(xmlScale)+" After Del");
delete xmlPreload.onEnterFrame;
Then on Frame2 (where I want XML stuff to happen)
function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {
myXML = this.firstChild;
myXMLLength = myXML.childNodes.length;
for (var i = 0; i < myXMLLength; i++) {
if (myXML.childNodes*.attributes.feature == feature_name) {
_root.technology = myXML.childNodes*.childNodes[0].firstChild;
_root.overview = myXML.childNodes*.childNodes[1].firstChild;
_root.image = myXML.childNodes*.attributes.image;
technology_txt.text = _root.technology;
overview_txt.text = _root.overview;
} else {
technology_txt.text = "Error Loading XML";
Now if I preview the menu, it works - But if I preview that again (so it simulates a internet connection) the XML doesn’t get loaded before it uses the data from it.