Having a really nasty problem. Been “googling” for answer for some time, but no solution so far.
My flash app is quite simple. A flash app which uses locally stored XML to create UI and stuff. XML is quite large, but still quite manageable (5mb)
Loading XML is pretty standard & easy. No problems here.
Making a preloader is easy too.
But the problem is:
While testing movie on (flash 8 dev) local machine, I cant get no preloader working. Stays at 0 and instantly jumps to 100. Problem can be bypassed on Flash 8 by setting download simulation on, and after that it works fine.
But after you have published your application IE does the same as testing the movie in flash 8, basicly the whole browser is frozen for couple of seconds and then instantly jumps from 0 to 100.
If this is not confusing enough I tried my published App in Firefox and voila, preloader worked like a charm. Preloaded smoothly as silk.
I wonder if there is a solution? Why Firefox and IE differ so much? I been thinking if the problem is that in IE “locally stored” xml is streamed so fast that UI has no resources to update, but why on earth Firefox is not doing the same?
Any suggestions? Dunno if there is need to paste code here?