Hey everyone. First, this site seems pretty informative - particularly the blogs. You’d be surprised how many sites don’t have useful information on XML.
I am trying to write a php file that when called with a cron job will send an XML file to a server - and will capture the response and either insert it into a db or into an xml file on the server. How to do either - is beyond me…but I’ll worry about those later.
Right now I am stuck on tags. Everything I have read on the blogs of this site - says that tags have to open and close.
The distributor we are trying to work with - sent us an example of what the XML might look like coming back to us:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <inventory>
- <itemlist>
<item prodid="AA02" quantity="42" price="1.16" mfgitem="AA02" mfgname="MAPLE LEAF PRESS INC" /></itemlist> </inventory>
As you can see - the inventory and itemlist tags open and close. But what about the tag that starts as: <item prodid= ? There is a bunch of stuff in that tag and it just closes with /> ???
So what in the world would the variables look like to put this into a database or into an xml file? Thanks for any help. I mean it. This is proving more frustrating than my cat.