XML problem


I have this problem with flash based tetris game. It stores the topten scores to xml -file. This used to work with flash 6 but now it wont work. Heres the code:

//Load the topten xml file
function loadXML(loaded) {

if (loaded) {

// Gets the the last (10th) value of the top ten from the xml file

_root.inventor = this.firstChild.childNodes[9].childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
_root.comments = this.firstChild.childNodes[9].childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeValue;
name_txt10.text = _root.inventor;
comment_txt10.text = _root.comments;

} else {
  trace("file not loaded!");


xmlData = new XML();
xmlData.ignoreWhite = true;
xmlData.onLoad = loadXML;

// Checks if the gotten score is higher than the 10th place at the xml -file
//IF yes, go to writing procedure in frame 78 else continue
if (punkte > comment_txt10.text) {
} else {
    trace("sorry, try again!");

If ye have any idea why this wont work I´d appreciate it a lot. This just confuses/troubles a lot.

Thanks a lot in advance :0)
