Hi everyone. Here’s what I’m trying to figure out:
I’ve got a news-style scroller that has audio clips and text loaded in via an XML file. The text works fine and I can read the string of the mp3 file to play, but if I actually hit play, it only plays the LAST listed mp3 in the array instead of the one that should be playing. I can’t seem to figure out why it’s doing this. Any help is appreciated. Here’s some code:
MovieClip.prototype.mV = function() {
this.onRollOver = function() {
this.t.colorTo(0x815249, .5);
this.onRollOut = function() {
this.t.colorTo(0x0000, 2);
aP = new Sound();
var format = new TextField.StyleSheet();
var path = "text/alder.css";
var meuXML:XML = new XML();
meuXML.ignoreWhite = true;
meuXML.onLoad = function() {
var childs:XMLNode = meuXML.firstChild;
var childTotal:Number = childs.childNodes.length;
var audio:XMLNode = childs.childNodes[3];
var xTotal:Number = audio.childNodes.length;
for (var j = 0; j<xTotal; j++) {
textbox.container.bt.duplicateMovieClip('bt'+j, textbox.container.getNextHighestDepth());
var vTitle = (audio.childNodes[j].childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue);
var vBlurb = (audio.childNodes[j].childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeValue);
var vFile = (audio.childNodes[j].childNodes[2].firstChild.nodeValue);
var vImg = (audio.childNodes[j].childNodes[3].firstChild.nodeValue);
//Tried the MP3 file as an attribute instead of node here//
mFile = audio.childNodes[j].childNodes[0].attributes.file;
textbox.container['bt'+j].title.text = vTitle;
textbox.container['bt'+j].blurb.styleSheet = format;
textbox.container['bt'+j].blurb.html = true;
textbox.container['bt'+j].blurb.autoSize = true;
textbox.container['bt'+j].blurb.htmlText = vBlurb;
textBox.container['bt'+j].audioImg._height = 75;
textBox.container['bt'+j].audioImg._width = 75;
textbox.container['bt'+j].play.onRelease = function() {
//or from the Node instead of attribute
textbox.container['bt'+j].stop.onRelease = function() {
textbox.container['bt'+j].download.onRelease = function() {
textbox.container['bt'+j]._y = textbox.container['bt'+(j-1)]._y+textbox.container['bt'+(j-1)]._height;
The XML:
<title file="m/Found A Light.mp3">"Found A Light" - Songwriting Demo</title>
<blurb>Produced by Mike Butler and Alder. Mixed by Mike Butler. With Buffy, Greg Ogin, Piano Player.</blurb>
<song>http://www.aldermusic.com/m/Found A Light.mp3</song>
<img>images/music/Songwriting Demo.jpg</img>
<title file="m/Come Around.mp3">"Come Around" - Songwriting Demo</title>
<blurb>Produced by Mike Butler and Alder. Mixed by Mike Butler. With Buffy, other drummer, and piano player.</blurb>
<song>http://www.aldermusic.com/m/Come Around.mp3</song>
<title file="m/Surrounded.mp3">"Surrounded" - Songwriting Demo</title>
<blurb>Produced by Mike Butler and Alder. Mixed by Mike Butler. With Buffy, other drummer, and piano player.</blurb>
<title file="m/Broken.mp3">"Broken" - Songwriting Demo</title>
<blurb>Produced by Mike Butler and Alder. Mixed by Mike Butler. With Buffy, other drummer, and piano player.</blurb>
<title file="m/Jewel.mp3">"Jewel" - Songwriting Demo</title>
<blurb>Produced by Mike Butler and Alder. Mixed by Mike Butler. With Buffy, other drummer, and piano player.</blurb>
<title file="m/Wait.mp3">"Wait" - Faith Soundtrack</title>
<blurb>Produced by Alder</blurb>
What’s happening is when you click the play button, it only plays the last song named in the XML file, and doesn’t link to the correct url, but all the text is in the correct places.
Thanks for any help anyone can offer.