XML Question for Expert

I have an XML question. I have been messing around with XML in flash, mainly to build a news facility for my site. My question is…

Is it possible to sort and display through certain results of the xml file depending on the value of an attribute…

<newsstory id="1" date="10/22/2004" archive="true">
<copy>News story text<copy>
<url>News story URL</url>
<newsstory id="2" date ="9/23/2004" archive="false">
<copy>News story text02<copy>
<url>News story URL02</url>

Bearing this structure in mind. What I want to be able to do is. Sort through these news stories, with previous and next buttons, but display only the records that are set to false, so:

Display news stories if the attribute (archive == “false”)
Hide news stories if the attribute (archive == “true”)

I hope this makes sense, If anyone could help that would be great…

Happy Thanksgiving…