Xml simple load question

Please don’t get scared by the “XML” This problem is quite simple.

I’m loading paths to several XMLs from a single XML. For example,


Simply put, I’m loading a main xml, named “Main_XML”, which holds the names of several XMLs I want to load afterwards, hopefully recursively using the “xmlLoader” function below.

My problem is quite simple, it doesn’t finish loading “Main_XML” before it starts (and finishes) loading the other XMLs. Is there a trick I can do here to ensure everything is loaded before continuing?

    public function xmlLoader ( url:String ):Void {
        var myXML = new XML();
        myXML.ignoreWhite = true;
        myXML.parent = this;
        myXML.onLoad = function (success:Boolean) {
            var xml_loader:XML2Object = new XML2Object(); // initialize the XML2Object class
            // get the native flash object using the parseXML method, pass the XML itself as argument
            if(success) {
                this.parent.xmlInfo = xml_loader.parseXML(this);     // parse the Object
                this.parent.setXMLInfo( this.parent.xmlInfo );        // call the function to handle the objs
        myXML.load( url );

     * Called only after XML is fully loaded, from the XML loading function
     * @param    xmlObj: XML object created by xmlLoader func
    public function setXMLInfo( xmlObj:Object ):Void {
        if ( xmlInfo.GAMEUI.attributes.name == "Main_XML" ) {
            loadAdditionalXMLS( xmlObj );
        else { 
            trace ( "Call function, no XMLs left to pass" );

            // Parse additional XMLs and THEN call this function
            testFunction( );