XML Slideshow: Crossfades

This question in reference to the following article:


I’ve been following along and the tutorials have been great. I’m picking up the stuff pretty quickly, and Flash is a bit easier than I had thought.

I wanted to learn how to tweak something in that tutorial. As it stands, when the images transition from one to another, there’s a little flicker. Basically, what’s going on is as the next image is about to be displayed, it’s alpha goes to 0, and then increments to 100 to show the next image.

I would like to make a smoother transition, where one image blends into the next, i.e. a crossfade.

What would the best way to accomplish this be? As far as I can see, you could layer two images on top of each other, one with alpha set to 0 and the other set to alpha 100, and as you transition from image to image, as one image’s alpha increases, the other’s decreases.

Would this work, or am I making this needlessly complicated and missing something obvious?