XML slideshow problems

[SIZE=-1][FONT=Arial]My first post so please be gentle.

I am trying to make a Flash slide show viewer that has the following features but I am having trouble with a few features and I cant seem to work it out.

Any help would be great!!!

This is the current version: http://www.twitchstudios.com/clients/slide/slide.html
The flash file and XML file is in the zip below.

The player needs the following features

  • Reference a folder containing images to be used in a sideshow
    [/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=-1][FONT=Arial]- Playback image sets in progression from a folder of images[/FONT][/SIZE]
    [SIZE=-1][FONT=Arial]- There will be various folders containing different numbers of images that will be played back in the viewer
  • Variable frame rate controlled by buttons
  • Play, Pause, Frame advance and Frame back
  • A buffering system or equivalent in a pre-loader
  • A numeric indicator of frame rate
  • A numeric indicator of current frame/total frames
  • The ability to update the path to the folder containing the images without using Flash (something like XML)
  • A progress bar that can be dragged

I have kinda got a few things working from piecing together various bits of code

  • Frame advance - OK
  • Frame back - OK
  • Play - OK
  • Pause - OK
  • Speed increase - Works with arrow left and right keys only
  • Load frames from XML - Kinda OK, have got code on each frame to do this which wont work for variable amounts of frames
  • Pre load or Buffer - NOT OK, Currently each image loads by XML on each frame instead of pre loading all images first or buffering
  • Frame counter NOT WORKING
  • Progress bar slider - NOT WORKING[/FONT][/SIZE]