XML undefined error

Hi, im currently getting an error with from the output box sayin

Error opening URL: C:/Documents and Setting/blah/blah/blah/undefined

this is the xml code

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>

        <image url="C:\Documents and Settings\Si\Desktop\colour_images\Copynumbers.jpg" caption = "Colour the picture" />

        <image url="C:\Documents and Settings\Si\Desktop\colour_images\Dottodot2.jpg" caption = "Colour the picture" />

    <image url="C:\Documents and Settings\Si\Desktop\colour_images\Paintbynumbers1.jpg" caption = "Colour the picture" />

    <image url="C:\Documents and Settings\Si\Desktop\colour_images\Paintbynumbers2.jpg" caption = "Colour the picture" />

    <image url="C:\Documents and Settings\Si\Desktop\colour_images\Paintbynumbers3.jpg" caption = "Colour the picture" />

    <image url="C:\Documents and Settings\Si\Desktop\colour_images\Paintbynumbers4.jpg" caption = "Colour the picture" />

    <image url="C:\Documents and Settings\Si\Desktop\colour_images\Patterncopy.jpg" caption = "Colour the picture" />


and here is the actionscript 2.0 code:

var myxml:XML = new XML();
myxml.ignoreWhite = true();

var urls:Array = new Array();
var captions:Array = new Array();
var whoIsOn:Number;

myxml.onLoad = function(){
    var images:Array  = this.firstChild.childNodes;

    caption.text = captions[0];
    whoIsOn = 0;

I can’t seem to find anything wrong, all the files are in the right place and named correctly as far as im aware or can see!
ill be made up if someone can help me!